
Saggy Skin? Tighten and Tone Your Tummy with a Mommy Makeover

Do you have a case of “mommy tummy”? Even after losing the weight post-baby, many women struggle with a pooch they can’t get rid of. What you need isn’t more time at the gym, but rather a mommy makeover. This customized set of surgical procedures will rejuvenate your appearance and help you get your body back after baby. Call today and schedule your consultation.

Mommy Makeover… Not Just for Tummy Troubles

What are your biggest body complaints after pregnancy? Sagging breasts? Stretch marks? Deflated breasts? Melasma? Loose abdominal muscles? Whatever your complaints, we can help you fix them. A mommy makeover is designed to target and correct your biggest problem areas. It is designed to provide a whole body transformation, not just a tighter tummy.

What procedures will you include in your mommy makeover? Here are some top picks:

  • Breast Lift– Performed on its own or paired with breast augmentation, a breast lift repositions the breast tissue to correct sagging and improve breast shape.
  • Breast Augmentation– Restore youthful breast volume, correct asymmetry, or increase natural breast size with breast augmentation.
  • Tummy Tuck– A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. We also tighten the abdominal muscles for a tummy that looks tight and flat once again.
  • Labiaplasty– Many women experience changes “down there” after pregnancy and childbirth. Feel more comfortable and more confident in your most sensitive areas with labiaplasty.
  • Liposuction– Many women develop stubborn, unwanted fat during pregnancy. Liposuction isn’t a weight loss treatment, but rather a way to fight back against these isolated pockets of fat.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift– Restore a youthful shape to your backside with a Brazilian butt lift. This procedure implants fat into the buttocks to add lift and shape.
  • Bra Line Back Lift– Tighten up your backside with a bra line back lift. This procedure reduces the dreaded bra roll that is so common after pregnancy.

Is a Mommy Makeover Right for Me?

Do you hate your post-baby tummy? Do you dream of having perky breasts again? A mommy makeover may be right for you. Come in for a consultation and we can help you determine if you’re ready for surgery. Our mommy makeover patients are a diverse group. Some have young children while others have grandchildren. We help stay-at-home moms, busy professionals, and others. If you’re unhappy with your body after baby, come see us and explore this transformative option. Call and schedule your consultation today.

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