The Cool Way To Reduce Fat – CoolSculpting
Many of us struggle with stubborn deposits of fat and flab, even extra skin that we just can’t seem to shake, despite adhering to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Thankfully, there are a number of non-surgical fat reduction options for gaining a more desirable, contoured physique. Many of these methods don’t require surgical intervention or post-operative downtime! One of the top forms of non-surgical fat reduction is the CoolSculpting® procedure. H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery is proud to be one of the leading providers of CoolSculpting®.
The CoolSculpting® procedure represents a new, non-invasive way to gently and effectively reduce fat in targeted areas of the body. Specifically, CoolSculpting® results in a noticeable, natural-looking reduction of fat in all treated areas. What makes the CoolSculpting® procedure different is that it uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target fat bulges and remove fat cells through a gradual process that does not harm the surrounding tissues. This procedure can reduce unwanted abdominal fat, love handles (flanks), and back fat.
CoolSculpting® is painless, it works quickly, and it doesn’t require any recovery time afterward; in fact, the CoolSculpting® procedure is so quick and easy that we have patients who come in for sessions during their lunch hour, then head straight back to work.
What Is Coolsculpting?
Unlike more invasive surgical procedures, the CoolSculpting® process is non-invasive, with no needles and no need for surgical incisions. During the procedure, a non-invasive applicator is applied to the skin surface to deliver precisely controlled cooling to target and remove fat cells in specific areas of the body.
As they are exposed to cooling, the fat cells begin a process of natural cell removal. The fat cells in the treated area are gradually removed through the body’s normal metabolic processes, similar to how fat from food is removed. The result is a reduction in fat bulges that is visible in most patients in about two to four months.
After a one-to-three hour CoolSculpting® procedure, the patient’s body goes to work. Over the next two to four months, the crystallized fat cells break down and are naturally removed from the body. The ease and efficacy of CoolSculpting® make it one of the very best ways to pursue non-surgical fat reduction; if you’re ready to learn more about CoolSculpting®,we hope you’ll contact us at your next opportunity.
Am I A Candidate for CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting® is a popular option for non-surgical fat reduction, especially among individuals who lead generally healthy lifestyles but still struggle with a bit of bulge. Indeed, this is a common complaint that we hear at H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery. We have countless patients who are physically fit and at a stable weight, yet still have bulges, rolls, and other small areas of fat they can’t get rid of no matter how much they exercise or diet. Spot reducing fat through diet and exercise is practically impossible for many of us. Men and women alike face the frustrating truth every day: A muffin top. Love handles. Back fat—not much, but just enough to show through a snug-fitting t-shirt or blouse. These small areas of fat don’t seem to warrant a surgical procedure. And yet, what else can be done?
Your Trusted Partner For Transformation
The H/K/B Way is a collaborative effort between all of our physicians and staff. Together, we are committed to providing our patients with state-of-the-art procedures, best-in-class surgical technology, and the most advanced methods for ensuring not just optimal results, but also optimal recovery periods.
Non-surgical Body Contouring Treatments Available At H/k/b
A new and innovative way to contour your body without surgery can be found at H/K/B in their non-surgical body contouring service offerings. Undergoing cosmetic surgery may not be for everyone for a number of personal reasons. Maybe you’re one of those people who aren’t ready to undergo cosmetic surgery or maybe you just don’t need to quite yet. The good news is this doesn’t mean you have to put off your body goals! Non-surgical body contouring treatments may be the right course of action for you to treat unwanted and stubborn fat, sagging and loose skin, or other issues related to aging, weight loss, or childbirth.
The non-surgical body contouring options at H/K/B have been hand-selected and tested for proven results by the providers and physicians of H/K/B. Each treatment option available to H/K/B offers a targeted and customized approach to whatever goal a patient may have. We invite you to take a look through our list of treatment options and the specific use for each device and then reach out to us to book a consultation and start your body contouring treatment plan today.
Schedule Your Consultation
Ready to learn more about CoolSculpting? Complete our form to receive more information and to schedule your consultation with one of our expert providers at H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery.