Twenty years ago, plastic surgery was a deep, dark secret. It was something to gossip and speculate about, but never something to admit to. Today? Not so much. Finally, things are changing and the normalization of plastic surgery is a thing.. Women are proud of their surgeries. Celebrities talk about their enhancements. A breast augmentation is no longer something to hide, but instead, something to proudly admit to the world and can also help other people realize it is okay to admit that you had surgery. Embrace your body (and your surgeries… after all, they are a part of you).
People talk about their surgeries on social media, proudly unveiling their new look. What has changed? The way society looks at plastic surgery in general has transformed over the past few years. If you’ve been wanting a little nip and tuck, don’t be embarrassed; everyone’s doing it. In a recent Time magazine article, the author states, “Not having work done is now the new shame.”