
The Normalization of Plastic Surgery – Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Cosmetic Surgeries

Twenty years ago, plastic surgery was a deep, dark secret. It was something to gossip and speculate about, but never something to admit to. Today? Not so much. Finally, things are changing and the normalization of plastic surgery is a thing.. Women are proud of their surgeries. Celebrities talk about their enhancements. A breast augmentation is no longer something to hide, but instead, something to proudly admit to the world and can also help other people realize it is okay to admit that you had surgery. Embrace your body (and your surgeries… after all, they are a part of you). People talk about their surgeries on social media, proudly unveiling their new look. What has changed? The way society looks at plastic surgery in general has transformed over the past few years. If you’ve been wanting a little nip and tuck, don’t be embarrassed; everyone’s doing it. In a recent Time magazine article, the author states, “Not having work done is now the new shame.”

A little help along the way

Nowadays, many celebrities are proud to admit that their gorgeous bodies had a bit of a help. We hope this trend continues and expands so that real women realize that Hollywood bodies often aren’t achievable without help. Liposuction and breast augmentation are more common than many celebrities like to admit! Celebrities like Iggy Azalea owning up to their surgeries and proudly admitting them helps the average woman to have realistic expectations for their bodies. It also gives them the courage to do something about things they don’t like. Actress Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting calls her breast implants the “best decision” she ever made. When celebrities tell the world about their surgeries, women and men are empowered to make similar decisions for themselves and to love their bodies too. The real benefit in the changing attitudes toward plastic surgery is the chance for women and men to take control of their bodies. If you love your natural breasts… great! If you don’t, change them. Plastic surgery isn’t an all or nothing proposition. It’s an opportunity for us to sculpt our best selves. Natural or enhanced, there’s no reason not to love your body.

Times Have Changed

Many things have changed in plastic surgery over the last couple of decades. Minimally-invasive procedures make plastic surgery and cosmetic improvement more accessible than ever. You don’t need weeks of recovery for a little enhancement. A great example is the CoolSculpting® procedure, a revolutionary way to cut fat without surgery or downtime (it’s completely non-invasive). Payment plans are another innovation that have made plastic surgery available to the masses and not just the very wealthy. We offer three different types of financing options.

Natural-Looking Results

Today’s plastic surgery is natural-looking, not fake and overdone like the cosmetic procedures of the past. You may think that a facelift is always noticeable, but it isn’t. If you can tell, it isn’t a good facelift. When done properly, cosmetic procedures like facelifts, breast augmentation, rhinoplasties, etc… should look natural. You’ll look different, but still real. This gives patients the opportunity to tell if they want to keep the procedure quiet. It’s up to you!

The Power of Social Media

Social media has played a big role in the normalization of plastic surgery. The Time magazine article discusses women sharing their surgeries and checking in during appointments on Facebook. This makes plastic surgery something to share, not a secret. While some procedures are brag-worthy (like breast augmentation), some are still a little more closely guarded. Anti-aging procedures are often kept a little quieter than other types of treatment. We love using social media to connect with our patients. These powerful tools make it easier than ever to share information about procedures, to educate potential patients, and to interact online. Check out our Facebook page and connect with us outside of our offices as well.

What Do You Want?

Celebrities aren’t the only ones that have the power to change perceptions on cosmetic procedures. You can too. Don’t be ashamed of your plastic surgeries. Don’t be afraid to tell people about your procedures and experiences. Women who are that proud and confident about their surgeries can be highly empowering and also help others. Let others see what cosmetic surgery has done for you. Plastic surgery is a gift that should be embraced, not hidden for both cosmetic and medical aspects. By taking control and owning their bodies, women can finally love their bodies. Don’t be ashamed of plastic surgery, embrace it. Plastic surgery unlocks the door to achieving your aesthetic goals. What does your dream body look like? How can we help? Plastic surgery is no longer something to hide. Embrace it! Call us today and schedule your cosmetic surgery Charlotte NC appointment at H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery + MedSpa.

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